The mains supply usually charges the leisure battery and not the vehicle battery although some units have a switch to select either.
Once connected just check that the RCD and MCB switches are all on and you should have 12v power for lighting, pump etc and 220v to the normal 3 pin socket outlets and off you go.
Cheers Barry when I had my kon-tiki I just plugged in the mains and if my vehicle battery was flat I switched it to mains and it charged it up I just wondered if this was the same
Have a look on the control panel, some have a switch that can direct the power to either the leisure or vehicle battery.
I think generally the mains power only charges the leisure battery, mine does so I have a small solar panel to charge the vehicle battery in the winter.
Is your vehicle a Bessacar or Kontiki, your outfit on your profile shows Kontiki?
Hi Barry
Thanks very much for all your help unfortunately mr Clarkson has retired,I'll keep looking I've no doubt I'll be posting more probs but in the meantime once again thanks again for your help.