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Well, I seem to have started an interesting discussion, I understand the question as to the number of properties in Scotland, but surely the property/membership ratio is balanced?
The whole of England does not necessarily belong to the NT, and why is NTS available at discounted rate when we reach 60, but NT not till 65? And then only if a previous full membership has been held for 5 of the last 10 years?
Quite a difference between NT and NTS, not withstanding that some people did not have the time to enjoy the NT during the employed period but having more time when not employed are then penalised for joining the club, at least for five years, when they could enjoy tea and cake in the cafe and contribute to the trust funds!
I agree, NT should sort this out, a bit like local authorities with free bus passes, recognise that the pensioner can contribute to an organisation (NT) if a, they can afford to get there, b) are appreciated, not penalised.