As I read it, the topic is 'irrational fears' rather than real fears that could and do happen.
My irrational fear is getting up in the dead of night for a wee, and being accosted by a psycho wielding an axe or other sharp bladed weapon. Or some sort of night maurauding 'ancient' beast who preys on campers. Or, horrors, aliens intent on kidnapping victims from campsites.
Or lying in my tent listening to strange calls or loud snuffling noises reminiscent of Bigfoot etc.
I've watched too many 'found footage' horror films lately, many involving campers, hence my plethora of irrational and ridiculous fears
If it helps the only large animal that I have ever had in the tent in Britain was a New Forest Pony, so keep your apples out of smell / sight.
But to be fair it was a large marauding beast intent on campers and their apples.
------------- Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
------------- If you can fill the unforgiving minute With 60 seconds worth of crackling fire & dark-sky stars, then yours is the world and everything in it!
'Irrational fears, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention...'
Except, as a solo camper, falling ill! Since I had an attack of vertigo a few years ago requiring an ambulance and a few days in hospital, I've been more edgy than in the past. Other than that, not really.
------------- Always edited for sloppy typing - when I spot it!
Yes, animals... some years ago camping with the family in two small tents, woken at 4am to the sound of thundering hooves. Someone had opened a gate next to the site to allow some 20 hefers into the small site, we were the only tents, others in caravans. Very scary, they did eventually stop charging around the site, but difficult to go back to sleep, put the children in the car for safety.
Other animals... that make strange snuffling noises and seem to be a few inches from my head when tucked up in the sleeping bag!
Being struck by lightning while in the tent even though the nearest strikes are 30k away.
Not having put the fire out properly and it setting the tent on fire (even though I put 5 litres of water on the fire and it was 10m from the tent). Still have to sleep with a penknife beside me incase we need to make an emergency exit door in the back of the tent.
Quote: Originally posted by Pagea on 23/8/2020
Being struck by lightning while in the tent even though the nearest strikes are 30k away.
Not having put the fire out properly and it setting the tent on fire (even though I put 5 litres of water on the fire and it was 10m from the tent). Still have to sleep with a penknife beside me incase we need to make an emergency exit door in the back of the tent.
Muckerette used to take scissors to bed for the same reason. I put a stop to that little habit once we bought a Karsten!
Definitely bears and mossies, although probably not irrational!!
Went camping with my sister in law in the wilds of Canada a few years back. They are very outdoorsy, so the campsites that they stay on are on lakes and you have to canoe to your pitch. The next nearest pitch is several hundred yards away along the shore.
They had stayed on the particular pitch a year earlier and had told us the tale of waking up at 6am to a rustling down by the campfire. They popped their head out of the tent to see a bear strolling off complete with their cool box in its mouth (Yogi Bear eat your heart out!). My brother in law did chase after it, but it got away.
Anyway, skip to a year later and we go walking in the woods and what should we find, but the cool box, complete with tooth marks...
Then mossies! This was the toilet...
All I will say is that I was very careful to cover myself in bug spray at all times... apart from I didn't think about the nice fresh tasty skin exposed on a trip to the little girls' room. Lesson learnt the hard way!!!
LOL and Eek! at the tooth marks! Had the bear got into the box? Thank goodness the tooth marks were not on your BIL!
And that toilet! . Never mind the mossies, that undergrowth looks suspiciously like poison ivy. That was my other big worry, hiking in Canada. ALL the undergrowth looked like poison ivy.
Yes, he's mad!! Apparently it was 'only' a brown bear! They were followed by a grizzly on a camping trip up north 😲. I felt better when they told me there were no grizzlies where we were.
The bear had eaten everything - even the HP sauce from the sachets!
When camping in bear country, you have to be very strict about keeping camping and eating areas separate - absolutely no food near the tents. I got wine spilt on me one evening (when someone jumped because they heard a rustling in the undergrowth behind them and thought it was a bear!) and had to strip off the winey clothes before I could go on the tent. The clothes went in the bear barrel with the food!