Topic: Drones
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07/7/2022 at 10:47pm
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Quote: Originally posted by Kelper on 07/7/2022
... maybe, one day!
i keep saying that too....
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via mobile 08/7/2022 at 1:52pm
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Quote: Originally posted by phillnjack on 30/6/2022
ok lets get a few things straight.
someone on here said the CCA regs and got it completely wrong.
he was getting info about a drone that is over 250g with a camera and up to 25 kilo's(not many kids flying a drone worth 2 grand or more ).... 99% of drones are under 250g and have fantastic quality cameras, far better than you mobile phone and can take photo and video in 4k. the laws on flying a drone over a campsite says YES you can fly over camp sites with a drone UNDER 250g as long as not stupidly low over crowds of people. 4 or 5 people is not a crowd. yes you can fly over beaches , unless its very crowded below you.. so dont think beaches are no go zones....i could for example be 10m away and at any height 5 meters from you... as for privacy the LAW says GO INSIDE if you want privacy. This is not your home where you live !!! the campsite might have there nasty little or big sign saying no drone flying over their campsite, in law it means nothing. what they should say and can legally do so is have a sign that says no drone "Taking off or Landing of from the site".. but to say no drone flying over the site is not just wrong but cannot be put into practice or enforced,the campsite does not own the airspace above.. how many times have you seen light aircraft fly over the site or helicopters or even para-gliders ? most times these are taking video or pics of the sites and anything in their view, its perfectly legal.. oh plus google is watching you all the time too with google earth. little kids with toy drones can be a pain in the arse and cause trouble on campsites, but do not confuse hooligans with everyone else.. to say ban drones is the same as saying ban caravans. to the general public anyone with a motor home or caravan is a pain in the arse and they want us all off the roads. As far as they are concerned we all travel at 25 mph and block up all the roads and have picknicks while driving along country roads chucking out all our rubbish out the windows (see how easy caravan people get blamed for what other certain people do ), just because they dont like what we do for our fun.. well the same goes for drone flyers. Most camp sites have cctv so they can spot vandals and the like, but at the same time these cameras can also be spotting mrs smith walking around in her bikini and they are getting a good eyeful and it all on video !!! or maybe mr smith scratching his never regions or picking his nose. plus many caravan and motor homes now have their very own security cameras or dash cams running all the time in case something or someone does something they should not , like damage or even attempts at stealing your van.... I think people are getting to be too prudish and dont understand that some people like things they themselves do not, but that is life. i cant stand people having open fires on campsites i think its dangerous and also very annoying to be choked by the stink of the fires. nobody with fires thinks about embers flying up and landing on other peoples property, imagine if it lands on a modern tent or awning for example, things could go drastically wrong very very fast. and most camping sites even sel lthe wood for the fires now ? people with very annoying yappy dogs are another pain in the backside, im not concerned about dogs as i love dogs and we have had many happy holidays with our dogs, but we would not allow our dogs to yap all day long. another pet hate is the stench of using firelighters and petrol to start their stinking bar b q.. so will i be going to camp office to complain about these people NO i will not. its what they like to do and being ENGLISH we have rights of what we are allowed to do and if we give in to all the moaners and cretins of the world we will be a lot worse off..people have died over the years to give us our freedoms. and your moaning about a little brat with a drone and think it should stop the rest of us enjoying our caravan and drone hobby. a friend of mine has been banned from a campsite, he was not informed until he turned up this year and got told he his family is now banned, reason is one of the children had a water balloon fight with some other kids on the site. nothing said at the time but a Mrs Hitler reported it to the office... a kid with a water balloon seriously how pathetic are people on campsites getting.his family had been going to that camp site for over 10 years and got along fine with everyone , then a certain mrs hitler moaned about a water balloon fight ( by the way no vans or tents or people other than the kids got wet) rotten moaners.the best moaners are the very old people who say " we never had this type of hooliganism in my day" . they are correct, in their day all they had was bombs dropping out the sky, doodle bugs flying , fighter planes dog fighting in the skys. most men off fighting ,shooting and stabbing people with bayonets in the war to keep freedoms and rights for the people of this and other lands., so it was not exactly peace and quiet and toodle pip old chum, millions of young men gave their life so people could have rights and freedoms to enjoy what they like and not be restricted by stupid rules and laws and dictators. snowflakes beware, i will be camping again this year and god help anyone who moans about my drone going high up over a campsite. Drones doa lot more good than you might think too... if a kid goes missing drones can be up in seconds searching for a missing child, before the police are even in their cars.. so think about what you want banned just because saw a littler herbert with his toy drone. what if he had a sharpie pen and was going round doing graffiti on a few caravanas ! would you want ALL pens banned from the sites.
Excellent post sir
------------- All roads lead to the beach
08/7/2022 at 3:46pm
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In my working days I was the publisher of a group of magazines. One of the test we would give an aspiring creative director was this
Can you layout a full page of text such that it was eye catching to read, without using any illustrations?
Philnjack's post is actually very good and posed some interesting opinions, if you could be bothered to wade through its presentation.
There are such things as paragraphs,fonts and font colours that would have made life so much easier.
09/7/2022 at 9:08am
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Quote: Originally posted by Audi-man on 08/7/2022
No beef about anything except those who want to ban everything THEY don’t like.
It’s the same up here. I see petitions for the banning of this the banning of that, wanting to spoil others pleasure in life because THEY don’t like it.
Just annoys me. I’d ban all talk about banning things
I would like to see drones banned from all campsites and residential areas. If you want to fly a drone go to a park or a green field where there is plenty of room and it does not annoy others!
10/7/2022 at 11:17pm
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To fly a drone or a model aircraft in the UK it must be registered with the Civil Aviation Authority.
How many buyers of the cheap ones register them or are even aware of the regulations?
------------- Bernie
11/7/2022 at 7:54am
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It is necessary to register all drones, the small toy ones are exempt.